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Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy


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As a comprehensive counseling center, TRU Integrative Health and Wellness offers clinical hypnotherapy for the residents of the Buckhead and greater Atlanta area.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is the practice of using exercises to help bring you to an altered state of consciousness. This practice bypasses the critical part of your mind (conscious) and the subconscious mind is in a state of heightened suggestibility which means you are more likely to accept the suggestion.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to help you meet your therapeutic goals. Through trance, hypnosis decreases blood pressure and heart rate, and putting physical body at ease. Hypnotherapy helps you to relax, reframe, absorb, dissociate, respond, and reflect. This approach also helps you reconstruct healthier associations with past events. Hypnotherapy can be used for a wide range of conditions. We can help you become responsive to new solutions that can lead to reprogramming your mind to achieve personal healing, growth, and transformation.

What Areas Can Hypnotherapy Help Me With?

You can partner with us to help with depression, anxiety, anger issues, sleep disorders, eating disorders, compulsive behaviors, post traumatic stress, pain control, weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, addictions, substance abuse, trauma, athletic performance, emotional regulation, past life regression, mindfulness, meditation practices, achieving goals, and other areas.

What is the “Conscious” and “Subconscious” Mind?

Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is the critical thinking, logic and reasoning part of the mind. You use this practical day-to-day part of the mind to plan your day, activities, and get things done – things you are actively controlling. You use this mind in higher cognitive activities such as balancing you checkbook, analyzing information, and planning.

Subconscious Mind

The majority of your mind, potentially 90% is the subconscious – the hard drive or filing cabinet, where all the moments of your life, your emotions, experiences and everything you’ve ever done is stored- all of these shape the person you have become. The subconscious does not have the ability to analyze – it just accepts what we impress upon by our thoughts and feelings.

How is my subconscious programmed?

If you repeat something consciously often enough it can and become part of your subconscious system. So for example, driving: when you first learn you have to make a conscious effort to use the steering wheel, gas pedal and gear shift, but the more you do it the better you get and the easier it becomes until eventually you just do it automatically. It is the same with learning a new sport, musical instrument or skill.

Similarly, if you start to smoke, make unhealthy eating choices or have undesired emotional responses over time, you can get stuck into a dysfunctional ritual or routine. If you repeatedly have a cigarette, eat a certain food or react emotionally it can eventually become a subconscious habit.

How does Hypnotherapy work?

The Hypnotherapist uses guided imagery and relaxation techniques to assist you into an altered state to access the subconscious. Your subconscious is then more open and receptive to receiving and imprinting of new preferred habits, narratives, positive emotions or self-image. Hypnotherapy can effectively help meet your personal goals of healing, growth, or transformation.

Research Evidence on the Effectiveness of Hypnosis

Research indicates that Hypnotherapy is more effective and efficient than traditional therapy approaches. A survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates:

  • Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
  • Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
  • Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

Source: American Health Magazine, vol.7

At TRU, our primary clinician practicing these treatment modalities is:

Shaye Hudson, MA, LPC, C.Ht

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